But we, humans always forget what God taught us.
In Tretayug, Shri Rama equally respected all people whether they were Brahmins or Shudras like Kevat or Shabri.
In Dwaparyug, Shri Krishna described in Bhagwat Gita 4.13, that four divisions of society are created according to their (Men’s) material nature, work and not according to birth.
Buddha, 23rd Avatar of Vishnu, has also condemned the birth-based caste system. He also said that only a person’s virtues and deeds should be counted for the respect he is given.
But now, when it is the perfect time to destroy the caste system, and yet we are not doing it. Neither upper-caste nor lower caste’s people want to destroy the system.
If there is a group to blame for the creation of the Caste System, it will be Brahmins. But if there is some to blame for continuity of Caste System, it will be both Brahmins and Dalits.
Brahmins did not do any good by bringing this caste system in the society but this has been becoming a habit of a lower caste person to enjoy benefits of reservation and other perks they get by announcing their caste to government.
Let us first know what Casteism actually describes-
- Shudras: labourers and service providers.
- Vaishyas: agriculturalists and merchants.
- Kshatriyas: rulers, warriors and administrators.
- Brahmins: priests, scholars and teachers.
All of these scriptures strictly emphasize on work-based categorization, not birth-based one.
All those things like restricting Dalits from entering temples and getting an education were not there in the Vedic Period. These things were again brought in practice through the Mughal Period.
Enough of old times, let’s take a look at present scenario:
- Do you ask the caste of a vegetable seller when you buy vegetables?
- Do you ask the caste of the cashier at a bank?
- Do you ask the caste of the cook at a restaurant?
- Do you ask the caste of your teacher?
So, caste doesn’t matter very much in our modern Indian society. Then what is taking Casteism to stick with our literate society and even growing its roots deeper?
- Caste is the main reason that even upper castes are demanding reservation and politicians are using those people for votes.
- Most of lower caste people don’t want to leave reservation even if this people is president of India.
- People are more respected than upper caste people but they still call themselves as Dalit because they want their next generations to enjoy reservation and other benefits.
- Also, upper-caste people want themselves to be called “Upper Caste”, so they are also not willing to leave their caste.
But we have the power to destroy this discriminative ideology. We have done that in past, that’s why there were great souls like Rishi Valmiki, Tapasvini Shabari and Sant Ravidas in ancient times.
Some pleasant events happening, are:
- The increasing number of inter-caste marriages.
- A group in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh changed their last names to “Hindu”, leaving their caste Identity.
- Samajik Samrasta Manch, a part of RSS regularly organize marches to unite Hindus against castes.
Again, the world is developing and so we have to.
"You cannot achieve equality in society if you hate people on the basis of their birth."
Jay Shri Ram.
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